Hunt Arizona or Nevada with SilverGrand!
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Elk Hunts:
The most exciting of all hunts ... the sounds of the bull elk's bugle will send chills up your spine. Without a doubt, two of the best limited draw trophy elk states are Nevada and Arizona for sheer numbers of quality bull elk. As owner of SilverGrand Outfitters, I have been fortunate to have hunted and guided in the best units in both states. Archery hunts are favored for the excitement stated above. A close second would be the Nevada general bull elk hunt and glassing up a big bull bedded in a sunny snow covered basin is sure to get your heart pounding.

In Nevada there are only a few "Bugle Hunts"/mid Sept-Oct. for the serious elk hunter. For this reason ALL favor the Archery and Muzzleloader elk hunts. For a chance at a bugling bull elk. After having success with SilverGrand Outfitters, you will be on the sidelines for a 7 year wait before being able to apply again. Make the most of Your elk hunt opportunities ... call, apply and draw!!!

Arizona is an "Elk Factory", and for the once in a "Life Time" hunt the Early Bull Elk hunts are the coveted tags ALL want. Offered in centerfire and muzzleloader hunts. Great "Rut Dates" in late September. Arizona manages these hunts well, rotating the hunts from different units each year, as not to hurt the quality that Arizona is known for. All the archery elk hunts in mid-September offer the archer a good chance at a "Big Bull Elk", as ALL UNITS have them and draw odds are not that bad in most units other than unit 9, 10, & 23. For a good elk hunt for a branch antlered bull, the general elk hunts in November are the easiest to draw. Units 5B & 6A have many tags. Apply here with a chance to draw the 1st year out.

Deer Hunts:
Nevada and Arizona have great trophy mule deer hunts. Both states are limited draw and have a bonus point draw system in place. As a Master Guide licence holder,you can apply with Me in the Nv. Restricted N.R. Guided Deer Hunt 1235. Excellent chances to draw. 1-4 bonus points can draw great deer hunt in Nevada. Last two seasons in this restricted draw, clients draw odds have been 60-83% in big buck units. The general draw in April offers the N.R. applicant far less % to draw these rifle only hunts. Don't wait 10-12 years to draw the best mule deer hunt in Nevada in the general draw. Call SilverGrand and apply in the Outfitter Draw and hunt mule deer more often in this "Special Draw". With statewide "Guide Authorization", we hunt trophy mule deer everywhere they can be found.

Other favored Nevada deer hunts are Sept. and Nov. Muzzleloader hunts. The "Big Boys" are still of summer pastures up high and during this September hunt, bachelor groups of bucks are seen during this mild weather "Smokepole Hunt". SilverGrand Outfitters can/will pattern these trophy bucks and make your Nevada deer hunt something always to remember. The late November muzzleloader deer hunts offer a true rut hunt, with big bucks chased by BIGGER BUCKS. Add a little help from Mother Nature, and you can hunt rutting mule deer bucks in the SilverState.

In Arizona, for deer I only guide the best areas....Arizona Strip and the Famous Kaibab Plateau hunts. Call before and after applications, I can help you be successful in the "Draw and Afield". Speaking here to N.R. applicants, did you know that Arizona doesn't guarantee tags to N.R. applicants??? Arizona Game & Fish Dept. draw system says "No more than 10% may go to N.R. applicants" ... huge difference. NEW in 2016, now ALL non resident applicants have a chance to draw the Premium deer and elk tags where in past years only those with MAX Bonus Points could. A slim chance to draw beats NO CHANCE EVER!!! Apply, APPLY for these tags. Call Silver Grand Outfitters before apps deadline, (Mid JUNE) for important advise on "HOW TO"??? For other very good to possibly Great N.Rim deer hunts The Kaibab (12AW & 12AE early hunts can be drawn. Plenty of tags here, but ... add early snows and "OH MY", these October hunts can still produce opportunities at the quality of bucks the "Kaibab" is known for. No more needs to be said about the late November hunts on the famous "Kaibab Plateau", a chance at a "Booner Buck" awaits the LUCKY tagholder.

As stated earlier, I only guide and hunt the best deer units in Arizona. Now let's talk about the best, most likely the most coveted public lands deer tag in the Western states. The ARIZONA STRIP ... unit 13B. With only an estimated 2000 head of mule deer spread out over 3200 square miles and maybe an even larger area, it's easy to see why the bucks can mature and grow. Add great genetics and limit the tags allotted each year and you have the reason why THEY are there. Don't be fooled though, it's still called hunting, and the "Big Bucks" are not behind every tree!!! Hunt dates are usually in early - mid November, with weather rut activity will be on. Don't wish for to much weather as the primitive roads in this unit can very quickly become impassable and several days of the season can be lost. Draw the tag, add a little luck, book with SilverGrand Outfitters and then you will see why this tag in 13B is the most coveted mule deer hunt on public lands, ANYWHERE!!!

Antelope Hunts:
Let SilverGrand Outfitters help you put that trophy on your wall. Offering guided hunts in Nevada and Arizona. Both states offer the hunter an opportunity at taking a "Booner Buck". In Nevada, SilverGrand Outfitters has done very well in the any legal weapon hunts and archery antelope hunts for our clients. For an archery hunter, this hunt is very, very exciting. Hunt out of blinds by waterholes, and view these beautiful bucks up close. SilverGrand Outfitters will scout, find and build your blind. Close 20-30 yard shots are possible and can be expected. Draw odds are very good for the archery hunts, with some hunts drawn with 0 bonus points in Nevada.

This Outfitter in Arizona has done very well in both the general antelope and muzzleloader antelope hunts, where by the way "Scopes" are legal on "Smokepoles". Draw odds much better if applying for these primitive weapons hunts, i.e. archery and muzzleloader. Apply, apply and after you draw, call and we can go hunt "Lopes in Arizona".

Desert Bighorn Sheep Hunts:
Operating out of Henderson, Nevada, I am very privileged to be very close to some of the best desert sheep units in Nevada and N.W. Arizona (Region 3). For this reason, more days are spent in the field scouting for the best ram for you. These sheep hunts are very demanding and physical but rewarding hunts. Be in shape and enjoy this hunt opportunity. "The Sheep are on the Mountain" waiting for you and I, this November and December.

Contact Information:
  Bruce Hudson
  SilverGrand Outfitters
  1268 Seminole Lane
  Henderson, NV. 89015
  (702) 743-8389
  Licensed in "ALL" of Nevada and Arizona
  with Special Use Permits in place.

Trophy Bull Elk Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Trophy Bull Elk Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Desert and California Bighorn Sheep Hunting

Desert and California Bighorn Sheep Hunting

Desert and California Bighorn Sheep Hunting

Desert and California Bighorn Sheep Hunting

Trophy Buck Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Trophy Bull Elk Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Trophy Bull Elk Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Trophy Bull Elk Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Trophy Bull Elk Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Trophy Bull Elk Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Big Muleys with SilverGrand Outfitters

Mule Deer Hunting in Nevada and Arizona

Mule Deer Hunting in Nevada and Arizona

Trophy Bull Elk Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Trophy Antelope Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Trophy Antelope Hunts with SilverGrand Outfitters

Antelope Hunts in Arizona and Nevada

Antelope Hunts in Arizona and Nevada